Unbound worlds apart ending
Unbound worlds apart ending

unbound worlds apart ending

There are still hidden nooks containing secrets to find, however, so exploration is encouraged. Unbound is pretty linear, and with quest givers that specifically tell you where to go and what to do, rarely will you need to explore and experiment to find your way. While Unbound does that, it’s to the barest minimum. One of the staples of that subgenre is exploring until you come across an obstacle and then later finding an item or ability that can overcome that obstacle, so you return to previous areas with your new ability to explore the new paths that open up. Unbound: Worlds Apart is technically a metroidvania, but only just. It’s too bad that each of these special portal abilities are confined to certain areas, because it limits how much Unbound works like a metroidvania. This allows for more versatile mechanics-like the ability to shift gravity between up and down quickly, or the ability to turn enemy projectiles into bubbles you can travel in. While games have long allowed players to shift between two worlds (usually light and dark themed) Unbound doesn’t shift the entire screen, just the area within the portal-but it has similar affect in some cases. As for its varied portal mechanics, they’re okay-but nothing incredibly groundbreaking. Some of the tighter jumps seem difficult in ways that don’t always feel fair, but with the ability to respawn quickly, even making multiple mistakes doesn’t feel too punishing. It’s important for a platforming game to feel good to play-and this one does a good enough job of it.

unbound worlds apart ending

Since Unbound: Worlds Apart is a platformer, there is a lot of jumping. And though there isn’t direct combat in Unbound, you can occasionally destroy enemies situationally-but most of your time will be spent avoiding them. Luckily, dying doesn’t put you pack more than a few feet (usually) and you can continue where you left off without much penalty. Soli is extremely easy to kill, as one hit will end their life. Some creatures are benign until they’re caught in the radius of the portal-then they’ll try to catch you with their jaws or spiky appendages. Instead, you’ll spend your time avoiding enemies, or handling them via the various portal mechanics. While there are a fair number of enemies to encounter in Unbound: Worlds Apart, there is no combat. This means Unbound: Worlds Apart can have very different mechanics from one section to the next, though you do have a few abilities like dash and double jump that follow you through the game once you acquire them. These portals are area specific, so you aren’t equipped with an array of different portals-rather, your portals act differently based on where you’re at in the game.

unbound worlds apart ending

These portals change the world around Soli, and even change how objects or creatures behave. While Soli eventually gets the ability to double jump and dash-staples in most platformers-Soli’s most powerful ability is to open portals. Soli must use their array of new powers to navigate Unbound’s puzzle platforming. In it, you play as Soli, a young hooded mage who is just learning new powers. Unbound: Worlds Apart is a puzzle platformer with some elements that make it a little bit like a metroidvania. By completing their quests or listening to their tales of hope and sorrow, you will learn more about Unbound’s grand universe of worlds and the portals that connect them.I’ve played a lot of platformers and puzzle platformers over the years-and while I definitely got sick of platformers when I was younger, I’ve been finding myself craving a good platformer here and there as I get older.


As Soli you can explore large worlds full of hidden secrets and unlockable skills that open up even more of the map as you progress.Īlong the way you will meet many weird, wonderful and devious characters, each with rich backstories and dialogue. Your reflexes and twitch platforming skills will be put to the ultimate test in Unbound: Worlds Apart. You must use every skill Soli has to defeat a ruthless evil that is tearing reality apart, while learning the shocking truth behind your world’s collapse. Using these newfound skills, Soli must journey across dangerous and mysterious worlds, each brimming with secrets and challenges. You control Soli, a gifted young mage who has the power to open portals and control the unique properties of each world - such as inverse gravity, time manipulation, super strength and more. Unbound: Worlds Apart is a challenging, atmospheric and hand-drawn puzzle-platformer set in a universe where all worlds are connected by portals.

Unbound worlds apart ending